Call for Papers
- Classification and regression Problems
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning Methods
- Artificial neural network and Application in Health Sciences
- Intelligent decision support system in Health Sciences.
- Variational Auto-Encoder
- Generative Adversarial Network and Object Detection
- Current Practices on Data Mining
- Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
- Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Intelligent Systems
- Deep Neural Networks
- Deep Learning for Health Information Mining
- Deep Convolutional Network (DNN) Learning Model for Brain Tumor Detection
- Communication Network Architectures
- Communication Network Protocols
- Network Services and Applications
- Discrete Algorithms and Discrete Modeling
- AI-Based Software Engineering,
- Bioinformatics and Health Informatics
- Extreme Learning Methods (ELM)
- Visualization and Explainable Deep Neural Network
- Machine Learning algorithms to support green networking
- Data-driven methodologies tailored to Internet traffic classification
- Machine learning approaches to QoE monitoring of encrypted video traffic.
- Reinforcement learning enables autonomous computer networks operation
- Data-driven and artificial intelligent algorithms for network operation and management
- Recommendations for people, analysts, and policymakers in network applications
- Ethical issues of data collection, storage, and exchange in network security and privacy.